LB (Year 11 student)

LB (Year 11 student)

Using AV1 a student with Autism Spectrum Condition, UK

This case study was collected from a school teacher by Sarah Dove, a Project Manager for the Department for Education's Alternative Provision Innovation Fund.

LB, a Year 11 student diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, refused to go to school due to high levels of anxiety. He refused to make eye contact; communicating through a cushion and speaking in only one word answers. He didn’t engage in any activity, and had low motivation and aspirations.

Upon using AV1, he gradually began to communicate without a cushion in front of his face and spoke for short periods of time about special interests. He used AV1 as a way of being introduced to the school, and to tour the school site with a familiar teacher. He began remote lessons on a one-to-one basis in five minute bursts.

Over time this increased and he was able to access 30 minutes of a lesson. LB is continuing to use AV1 to become familiar with other teachers and engage with them using the same process; with the aim to return to the school site. Without AV1 LB wouldn’t be experiencing anything beyond his house, so these small step make a huge difference.

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