CD (Year 11 student)

CD (Year 11 student)

An emotionally based school avoider had consistent education for the first time in two years

This case study was collected from a school teacher by Sarah Dove, a Project Manager for the Department for Education's Alternative Provision Innovation Fund.

CD was a Year 11 emotionally based school avoider who had taken two years out of school due to high levels of anxiety and depression, for which she was medicated. She had attempted suicide prior to using AV1. She already had hometuition in place but did not engage with it, with lessons being hit and miss interms of participation. She was unable to leave the house and spent the majorityof her time in her room.

Her school introduced AV1 as an option for her to see and interact with other young people. She used AV1 to tour the school and meet staff and pupils. This was an amazing experience for all – she spoke to everyone; she spoke to Home Tuition staff, who she was familiar with for the first time; and she wanted to participate in more lessons. She even asked for work to be sent home. It was an emotional experience when she read her English work out proudly for the first time. Without the AV1 this may never have happened.

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