This project explores how AV1 telepresence robots transform education for children with cancer by enabling real-time classroom participation, maintaining social connections, and supporting academic engagement during extended absences.

The studies produced from the research project demonstrate that AV1 robots are successful in bridging physical distances between schools and home/hospital settings. They also minimise social isolation and integrate seamlessly into classrooms, and promise to improve educational outcomes for children facing health-related absences.

Key findings: 

  • AV1 showcases substantial potential in mitigating school absenteeism among children facing health challenges.
  • AV1 telepresence robots enable active participation in classroom activities despite physical absence, primarily through flexible scheduling and innovative features.. This underscores their contribution to promoting social inclusion in educational settings.
  • Children with anxiety emphasise the social benefits of AV1 telepresence robots, expressing the importance of forging new friendships, reacquainting with school life, and maintaining presence in the classroom. Their perspectives highlight the role of these technologies in enhancing social integration and emotional well-being among students facing mental health challenges.


  1. Weibel, M., Bergdahl, N., Hallström, I.K. et al. Robots2school: telepresence-mediated learning in the hybrid classroom – experiences in education support for children during cancer treatment: a qualitative study. Educ Inf Technol (2023).
  2. Weibel, M., Hallström, I. K., Skoubo, S., Bertel, L. B.,Schmiegelow, K., & Larsen, H. B. (2023). Telepresence robotic technology support for social connectedness during treatment of children with cancer. Children & Society, 00,1–26. 
  3. Mette Weibel, Sofie Skoubo, Charlotte Handberg, Lykke Brogaard Bertel, Nonni Camilla Steinrud, Kjeld Schmiegelow, Inger Kristensson Hallström, Hanne BækgaardLarsen, Telepresence robots to reduce school absenteeism among children with cancer, neuromuscular diseases, or anxiety—the expectations of children and teachers: A qualitative study in Denmark, Computers in Human Behavior Reports,Volume 10,2023,100280,ISSN 2451-9588,
  4. Weibel M, Nielsen MKF, Topperzer MK, et al. Back to school with telepresence robot technology: A qualitative pilot study about how telepresence robots help school-aged children and adolescents with cancer to remain socially and academically connected with their school classes during treatment. Nursing Open. 2020;7:988–997.