

Max can continue to be in the class, thanks to the school robot

Max goes to Kannebäcksskolan in Gothenburg and is one of many of the country's students who have suffered from problematic school absences. Through AV1 and the support of one of his parents, he participates remotely in one or two lessons a day.

When a child cannot be at school, it is possible to quickly lose contact with the class and a lot of teaching is missed. At Kannebäcksskolan, teachers and the class keep in touch with the student Max via a robot.

Max is in the seventh grade at Kannebäck School in one of the elementary special school's classes. He is one of the country's many students who have suffered from problematic school absences, so-called home sitters.

The number of people sitting at home has increased in recent years, and there are many different explanations for this. Read more about the problems of home sitters, and what can be done about them in our guide: Pathways to school attendance for home sitters .

When Max could no longer come to school, his parents and the school tried in various ways to make it possible for him to come to school. But it was too difficult.

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AV1 Robot by No Isolation