AV1 Resources
Bliv et AV1-superklasseværelse med plakater, lektionsplaner, farvelægningsark og meget mere.

Inclusion Certificate
Showcase your commitment to inclusion with this classroom certificate for use of AV1.

Teaching and Learning with AV1 Guide
A PDF guide for teachers

AV1 Colouring Sheet
Encourage students to get creative and colour in their own versions of AV1.

Onboarding Guide
Downloadable guide to everything you need to know to get started with AV1 at your school.

AV1 Features Classroom Poster
An A3 sized poster you can hang up in the classroom illustrating how AV1 works

AV1 Troubleshooting Poster
An A3 sized poster you can hang in the classroom with connectivity troubleshooting tips

Lesson plan slides
A presentation for teaching with AV1 and using our suggested lessons plans.

Lesson plan introducing AV1
A suggestion for how to integrate AV1 into lessons

User Guide
Provides the student with a brief introduction to AV1s features.
More resources by category
Our resources are available to view in the AV1 Academy or can be downloaded and printed for use in the classroom.

Beskyttelse og privatliv
Politikker for at sikre bedste praksis, og information til at berolige alle involverede.

Teknisk opsætning
Ressourcer, der kan downloades, tager dig gennem hvert trin for at få AV1 i gang på din skole.

Udkast til breve
Brugervenlige skabeloner, som du kan tilpasse og gøre alle klar til at omfavne AV1.